
Three Florida State Economic Self-Reliance Programs; Cash assistance, Medicaid, and supplemental nutritional support come under the Automated Community Connection for Economic Self-Sufficiency umbrella. The Services are only accessible by creating an account at


There are a number of actions you can take with your My Access Florida login related to the primary purpose of and the Florida Division Dedicated to Supporting and Alleviating the Needs of Poverty and Illness Programs.

Check Out Functions Of The Portal

Do you have family who lives in Florida or live in a low-income city in Florida?

Let me assure you that you will not lose hope that my Florida Gateway will help you improve your standard of living with my Florida Gateway. If you don’t want to use My Access Florida website, you can also install the Access Florida app, which is much better than the web.

It’s not like the first method of setting up your account. Here you have a case number, but here in the second method you don’t have a case number. This method has several advantages. Here is the list of what you liked about this method.

  • Restart your application.
  • You can register your application.
  • You can return your application later.
  • Check the status before submitting your application.
  • View your account status and benefit information.
  • Ask for additional help.
  • report changes.
  • Send a message to continue receiving benefits.

Florida’s Department of Children and Families has automated its Community Economic Self-Reliance system (ACCESS). Provides 24/7 access to public support information through the online application and My ACCESS account. Access to your grocery store or cash register is provided by your ACCESS card (SNAP). How to get your cash and food aid benefits.

Thousands of people living in Florida and the United States were unaware that this program gave them access to My Florida benefits. You are the reason I took the time to write this great article, so you can benefit from this program.